Cai Rang floating market is a tourist destination located on a branch of Hau river. This place nurtures all the typicality of Mekong Delta, Vietnam relating to commercial activities on the water face. Some eve said that it will be a big mistake if you miss this place once travelling to Cantho since it is often regarded as a signature of this city – the capital of West region.

Once upon a time and until the time being, anyone who travel to Cantho is used to with some lullabies which are sung somewhere along the Hau river that:

“ Can Tho is famous for river and local specialties

Such will stick the mind of anyone forever once travels to’’.

Many other places to visit in Can Tho which can be named Ninh Kieu wharf, Bang Lang stork garden, Nam Nha pagoda, Binh Thuy ancient house and others. However, Cai Rang Floating Market is alway a must to go in visitor’s traveling list. Being there, visitors will emerge themself in the melodies of local lullaby and the vividness of the trading activities conducting by the hawkers on boats.

1. Cai Rang Floating Market – Brief Introduction

Located in Cai Rang District, Can Tho city, it may take you 30 minutes to travel to this market from Ninh Kieu wharf by boat. This market is one of the three grandest and oldest floating markets in Mekong delta. This is a local hub for trading local goods, fruits and products of this land. In the past, This market was formed due to the absence of route connection on land and small boats were the main means of transportation. Nowadays, when the transportation is significantly transformed, this market still remains due to its undeniable role in the local trading activities.

Chợ nổi Cái Răng nhìn từ Flycam
Cai Rang Floating Market from the air

2. Location and suitable time to visit

2.1 Location

Cai Rang Floating Market is located about 6km from the heart of Can Tho city and near Cai Rang bridge. From 1A national high way, this market is right on your right hand side when you travel from Can tho city.

2.2 Appropriate time to visit

Commercial activities of this market start from the dawn and become sparse at around 8-9 am. Thence, the most appropriate time for tourists to visit is about 5.30 am to 7.00 am since this is the peak time of trading in this market.

3. How to go?

Motorbikes or coaches could be the best.

3.1 Coaches/ Bus

You can travel from West coach Station, Saigon by coaches provided by well known operators such as Thanh Buoi or Phuong Trang. It may take you 3.30-4.00 hours of travelling depending on the traffic volume. The price may be various, but around 6 dollars per way.

3.2 Motorbike

Firstly, you can travel to 1A national highway across Can Tho bridge, then ask local people. Anyone is please to guide you the way to this market. And, it may take you 5 hours if you travel by motorbike from Hochiminh city.

4. Travelling by Boats to Cai Rang Floating Market

  • From Ninh Kieu Wharf: you can rent a boat by the services offered by Mekong Smile Tour
  • Departing from An Binh Market
  • Noted: if you travel in a group, you can rent a big boat which may carry upto 10-12 people. The price list of boat rental is available at here.

5. Significant experiences

5.1 Floating on the river

It will be an excited experience when you are on the boat and traveling across the crowd of boat. Besides, you may cruise along the river to see small canals to see villages and houses along the river banks.

Du khách tham quan bằng ghe xuồng trên chợ nổi Cái Răng
Travellers on boats in Cai Rang Floating Market

5.2  “Cây bẹo” – a mean of local advertisement

Every boat will sell or offer a certain or some products varying from fruits to handcrafts. Thus, The seller will use a long bamboo stick to hang such product with a purpose to attract the buyers what they are selling. This stick is call “cay beo” and it is often regarded as one of the oldest advertising method used.


Cây bẹo – đặc trưng chợ nổi miền Tây
Cây bẹo – Unique advertisement method

5.3 Floating Market Cuisine

Cuisine in Cai Rang Floating Market is very various and attractive. And of course, they are sold right on the boats. You will never forget the sense of experiencing a meal on a floating boat. It can be a hot bowl of local noodle, fruits or cakes. It is all depends on your choices.

Bún riêu tại Chợ nổi Cái Răng
Noodle on boats

In addition, sellers are ready to process fruit to serve you right upon your request.

Khóm được bán trên chợ nổi Cái Răng
Pineapples on the boat

5.4  Lifestyle on Boats

You can see by your very real eyes the lifestyle of the local, which is unidentified about the final destination on rivers. However, they are always cheerful with their smiles as you will see.

Người dân chợ nổi Cái Răng rất mến khách
Friendly local people

In front of the amazing scenes, where rivers and sky seem merged, travellers will certainly have different feelings about the local and friendly lifestyle. They will understand and sympathize more about the difficult life of the local as well as their friendliness and sincereness. All will make visitors love this place more.

5.5 Snap photos on the rivers

If you are those who love photography, you must go to this place. You only need to rest on the boats which a nice angle, you can freely shoot nice photos about local lifestyle, trading activities, sunrise on the market as well as Can Tho river…

Săn ảnh đẹp tại Chợ nổi Cái Răng - ảnh: The Bo Studio
Photo on the market

Cai Rang floating market is always an attractive tourism spot of local and international tourists. This is often regarded as a place where the mixture of local culture can be found: rustic but elegant, vivid but sincere. Please come, people here are always welcome you, from the bottom of their heart.

Find more about one day tour in Cai Rang Floating Market – Provided by Mekong Smile Tour.

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